Friday, January 2, 2009

Smarter then....

That wearing white colour cap is SEON.....the guy who standing of course it's me la... then the gurl who sitting is Erica. We are waiting for the sea water to go down but the sea water tak mau go down la... so we went to catch Mudskipper... The Muskipper was so smart la.. want to catch him also so hard :( but i caught two.. =D the muskipper so smart but i smarter then them.. hahaha :P


This the places we cycle here .... MORIB!!!! 
On the right one is me =P, then my cousin cannot see his face la but can see his sexyyyyyy legs the rite.. xD thn my cousin friends which are my new friends tooooo. hehe :) Erica and Andre. Seon is the one who holding the camera la..... haha ^^ i will introduce him in next photos k....
TQ for reading my BLOGGER :)

1st day of NEW YEAR 2009

1 JAN 2009

every year of new year it jst very very normal go through but for tis year it's really special special and special......

today early early in the morning me and my cousin friends ar going to MORIB... it's one of the beach in BANTING!!!! did u knw hw long we take the journey to MORIB??? it take us 45++ minute .. so tired la.... we cycle thy k... not driving or anything ... is damn tired la... but it really fun n fun.... ahaha =P I get SUNBURN alrd... n get darker alrd la... =\

so after we hv fun thy thn we go bck... so on the way we saw a lot of death animal body on the road la...not alt la.. jst a few la.. u can c the bones la.... it's kind a disgusting leh... u wnt to knw wat animal tat??? 1st we saw cat, thn is bird or chicken la... i also dnt knw wat tat la... thn is snake, erm... smr frog thn i think no more alrd la.. haha.. pity they all la... all kena by car la.. i think.. :)

thn after we bck to Banting thn we hv our lunch in KFC...... on tat time my assssss was really really dmn pain lo.. cause of the sit of the bicycle la.... but for today atleast we hv some fun la...... ahaha xD but 1 thing very bad is my asssssss very pain and i get sunburn lo... bcome darker and darker liao la.... hmmmmmm.. i dnt wnt la... :'(

1 more thing is i hv meet three new friends (Seon, Andre and Erica) thy ar my cousin friends la.... ahahaha xD thy ar so funny la... expecially the ERICA la.... hahaha ... always kena boom by Seon..... anyway nice to meet u all.... =P


Thursday, January 1, 2009


today is my 1st day i create  my blog.... it is also first of  JAN 2009. ahaha :) a new year, a new me, a new life, but stil a long way to go... haiz.... :-\   buttttttttttttttt we hv to live through it with a happy happy face =D